Data Retention, Deletion, and Destruction in Microsoft 365

Retention and churn are often discussed in the same breath. But churn itself is a symptom, rather than the root problem you’re solving for. Churn prevention and the overall work of retention starts way at the beginning, by building healthy habits that benefit the customer rather than just treating the symptoms and throwing out a lifesaver at the very last minute. 5 Key Steps to Developing a Solid Data Retention Policy Apr 30, 2018 What is a Retention Schedule? - Simplicable

What is Data Retention (and How it Affects Online Privacy

Data storage FAQ - Atlassian Documentation Data retention. Your products will be deactivated 15 days after the end of your current subscription period. Atlassian retains data for deactivated products for 15 days (for evaluation licenses) or 60 days (for Free, Standard, and Premium product plans) after the end of your current subscription period. Azure Log Analytics - Data Retention By Type in Real Life Query data retention for either a specific table or the entire workspace. This can be helpful when you do not know if the customer set something up previously; Set/update data retention; Reset data retention back to the workspace general setting; Before making any change, you need to make sure about which retention your resource is configured with.

Data retention policies should include a process for identifying and setting access levels. Because data collected in programs is confidential and contains sensitive information of individual survivors, agencies should establish who can have access and view that data.

Mandatory Data Retention in the United States in 2020